Monday, December 8, 2008


Right, I just had a thought. We can do something to stop genocide, but it isn't really the best way to go about things usually. Most of the time, stopping violence with violence is wrong. However, this is a different case, a different situation. Maybe we should fight those who are destroying lives. Just setting up medical facilities and sending money for food and cloths isn't really enough, is it? I mean, if they have cloths and food, that's just more they'll lose when they're attacked, innit? Prohaps we ignore the whole ordeal in Iraq, which should've been done originally, and just send the troops to Western Sudan? It'll get things done quite a bit quicker. It'll benefit many in many ways. I don't know, just a random thought I had.

1 comment:

Poopsie said...

Wow, what an idea. Helping those taht really need it.
Hmm, have you considered contacting your Congressman?